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Books and Movies
Other Tellings of the Twisters

Author discovers children can relate to fictional account of G.I. tornadoes
When children's author Ivy Ruckman visits a school, the students nearly always insist that she read ''Night of the Twisters.''

'Night of Twisters' now a movie
The story swirled in her mind for two years before she began to write "Night of the Twisters," and now it's been made into a movie bearing the same name.

Film portrays Grand Island family
They had barely gathered in the basement before chaos erupted the night of June 3, 1980.

Bill Brennan
Twister movies spin bad examples
This seems to be the year of twisters -- not the ones in real life but on the big screen and the little one.

Story of twisters lives on in book
Author to speak on anniversary
The author who familiarized more than 300,000 readers with Grand Island's June 3, 1980, tornadoes will speak Saturday at College Park.

'Night of the Twisters' author speaks on anniversary
Hearing about the June 3, 1980, Grand Island tornadoes gave author Ivy Ruckman goosebumps.